Does the post construction filth and grime in your home stress you out? There is a faster way to deal with it. It is very simple. Use our after builders cleaning service in NW3 Hampstead and we will get rid of grime and construction remains that your builders must have left.
We not only offer reasonable prices, but also high-quality workmanship. We are hard workers and we like seeing our clients happy in their clean homes. We promise to make it happen for you. Be sure to book a service.
We are very good at after builders cleaning and our service is highly demanded in NW3 Hampstead. If you cannot cope with all the clutter and filth post renovation, just get your hands on our service.
After Builders Cleaning in Hampstead | |
Studio Flat | from £179 |
After Builders Cleaners in Hampstead
When builders leave your home, you are left with tons of dirt and filth that were created during renovation. It can be very stressful to handle all this on your own, especially now that you had to go through construction work and everything. The best thing to do is to entrust the job to someone else. And that someone else is us.
We can assure you all our cleaners in NW3 are trustworthy. Don’t be afraid to let them in your home. They are reliable, professional and background-checked. Plus, they work very carefully and don’t leave a property until they have disposed of all leftover paint, construction debris, cement plaster, etc. This is what they are going to do for you too if you book a service.
We offer:
- First-class workmanship
- Extraordinary and effective service
- Reasonable prices
- No-obligation estimate
“Thank you so much! I have never seen my home so scrupulously cleaned and sanitised. I will use your after builders cleaning again some time. And I will recommend you, that is for sure.” – Madison
Get a Free Quote from Cleaners in Hampstead

After Builders Cleaning NW3
Our after builders cleaning service in Hampstead London ensures that all filth and dust that builders left is gone. We will clean your premises from top to bottom. Dust will be vacuumed and cleaned, leftover paint will be removed, stains will be loosened and cleaned, constriction remains will be properly disposed, cement plaster will be removed. Your property will be cleaned to shine. You will get the chance to finally enjoy the results of your construction work.
We are open every day. Don’t miss out on the chance to book our after builders cleaning service. You will be delighted.